Graduate programs

1. History and Social Demands

The programme of Railway Engineering was set up at the infancy of SWJTU since it was established with a view of cultivating personnel in railway science and technology. The discipline of railway engineering has always been one of the main disciplines and a traditional and prestigious programme of SWJTU. SWJTU enrolled its first group of postgraduates in railway engineering in 1961, and was authorized among the list of the first group to confer master’ degree in 1981 and to grant doctoral degree in 1986, and approved to set up post-doctoral research centers of the programme in 1987, one of the first batch. In the same year, the discipline of railway engineering was assessed as the key discipline of Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China. In 2007, Highway & Railway Engineering was certified as the national key discipline, and the Railway Engineering was a key orientation of the discipline.

The development of the programme of railway engineering is a determinant for the railway and urban rail transit undertaking, in the context that the railway and urban rail transit industry is booming and that the shortage of international high-end practitioners in rail transit increases the demands for personnel in railway engineering. Graduates in railway engineering can not only engage in surveying, design, construction, operation and maintenance in the field of railway and urban rail transit engineering, but also are well equipped to pursue further studies to become top-notch specialists in railway engineering.

2. Objectives

In response to needs of socialist modernization, SWJTU provides the programme of Railway Engineering to develop high-end professionals with basic theories and extensive knowledge in railway engineering, practical abilities, innovation consciousness and research capabilities. Upon completion of the stipulated studies, graduates acquire basic knowledge in mathematics, mechanics and railway engineering equipment and structures, proficiency in foreign languages, computer application skills, and basic professional knowledge and competence. They can engage in planning, surveying, design, construction, and management of railway engineering projects, research and education, investment and scientific and technology research and development in the fields of railway, urban rail transit, bridges and tunnels.

3. Basic Requirements

In response to needs of socialist modernization, SWJTU provides the programme of Railway Engineering to develop high-end professionals with basic theories and extensive knowledge in railway engineering, practical abilities, innovation consciousness and research capabilities. Upon completion of the stipulated studies, graduates acquire basic knowledge in mathematics, mechanics and railway engineering equipment and structures, proficiency in foreign languages, computer application skills, and basic professional knowledge and competence. They can engage in planning, surveying, design, construction, and management of railway engineering projects, research and education, investment and scientific and technology research and development in the fields of railway, urban rail transit, bridges and tunnels.

(1) Students should be equipped with basic knowledge in natural sciences, humanities, arts and social sciences, excellent abilities for analysis, thinking and imagination, critical and creative awareness, interpersonal skills and teamwork spirit, and capabilities to express themselves in own native language and understanding references in foreign languages; (2) they should acquire basic theories stipulated in the programme-specific development plan, basic technical theories and professional knowledge, a certain knowledge of socialist market economy, management, laws and regulations, environmental protection, mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering; (3) they should systematically master the required basic skills of measurement, drawing, calculation, experiment and test; (4) students should develop abilities to study by themselves, analyze and solve problems in practice, design for engineering projects, initiate scientific and technological research and development, and work with computer application software.

4. Main Disciplines and Core Courses

Main disciplines: Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanics.

Core Courses: Civil Engineering Drafting, Engineering Surveying, Civil Engineering Geology, Construction Materials, Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Principles of Structural Design, Foundation Engineering, Test and Measurement Technique of Civil Engineering, Introduction to Earthquake Engineering, Computer Programme and Application of Structural Analysis, and other courses of professional course groups in railway engineering.

Jiuli Campus: No. 1 Teaching Building, Southwest Jiaotong University, 111 North 1st Section of second Ring Road, Chengdu

Xipu Campus: No. 4 Teaching Building, Southwest Jiaotong University, West Zone, High-tech Zone, Chengdu

Admissions phone:028-87600559   Student Support Office:028-66368613
Teacher Services Office:028-66367673,028-66368527   General Services Office:028-66366671,028-66366612

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