New Mode to Integrate Safety Management of Labs...

To strengthen the safety management, personal safety and work environment safety in laboratories and offices in the School of Civil Engineering (SCE), a seminar on "New Mode over the Integration of Safety Management in Laboratories and Offices" was held in conference room 4417C of Xipu campus on March 17, hosted by the Vice Dean Chen Rong, Tong Wanbo and Deputy Party Secretary Zhou Xi. The participants included all administrators, safety managers from laboratories, departments and offices, as well as the entire panel of lab teaching supervision.

Proposals to build integrated safety management for offices and laboratories according to the previous experience were made, and routine inspection on the daily basis would be carried out. The specific measures are to revise regulations of the "leading group for laboratory and office safety management", the "panel for lab teaching supervision" and the "working group for laboratory and office safety management”. Moreover, the School also formulated a series of documents including “Measures for the Selection of Advanced Laboratories, Individuals and Outstanding Persons of Lab Teaching (trial implementation)", “Evaluation Form for Laboratory Safety Management (trial implementation)", “Provisions for the Usage and Management of Office Rooms (trial implementation)”, "Tripartite Responsibility Statement for Safety Management of Offices" and “Checklist for Daily Use of Offices”. The participants at the meeting discussed the regulations and made suggestions on the next-stage implementation.

The Party leaders of SCE has been focusing on safety management as a top agenda under the guideline of “Safety first, Prevention as the Core and Integrated Measures for Management". Following the mode of “Centralized Management and Responsibility Accountability”, the laboratories have enforced safety management project by project while the office safety is supervised room by room. There are safety responsibility letters to be signed by persons in charge and every safety procedure is ensured to be in place to reduce any potential hazards. In the near future, the SCE is going to meet the requirements in relevant documents step by step, and prepare for the 2022 laboratory safety inspection of universities by the Ministry of Education, as well as ensuring the personal safety of teachers and students and creating a safe campus environment.



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