“LONGFOR” Classroom Series—SWJTU Value Auction Competition

LONGFOR, going into Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), aims to enhance the postgraduate students’ comprehensive abilities of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor in a new era. The LONGFOR Classroom Series of Value Auction Competition is conducted to promote the all-around development of students and to explore the potentials to be leaders in a new era. Talents are the core of maintaining the quality of LONGFOR while SWJTU has a rich talent pool. Notices are listed as follows:

I. Introduction

Based on research and analysis of traditional value education methods, “Values Clarification” is a concept proposed by an American university professor Louise Raths. No matter it’s at work or in life, we always have to bear the pressure from different aspects and face many choices and temptations. The “Value Auction” game will help the students master the method of value clarification.

The “Value Auction” is an auction and exchange of world values using virtual money by the students.

The game not only inspires students to think about their value conceptions, learn to seize opportunities and not to give up, but also helps them understand their attitude towards life.

II. Competition Rules

1. Auction Items: joy, optimism, sense of fulfillment, money, faith, freedom, stability, reputation, health, love, creativity, friendship, kinship, power, sense of security, justice, independence, challenging spirit, success, integrity, sense of identity.

2. Auction Rules:

A. Material Collection: Each group will be given 50 pieces of virtual currency in the denomination of 100 yuan (5,000 yuan in total), a group number, and an auction card.

B. Auction Session: The auction begins with one “value” per round, starting at 500 yuan, and the group with the highest price wins.

C. Exchange Session between Groups: After all 21 items are auctioned off, each group can trade their gains with one another.

D. Communication Session: Each group will nominate one member to present their reasons for buying and not buying the items.

Finally, the guests will give scores, and the judges will discuss and count on site before announcing the results: the first, second and third prizes of the competition and the awarding ceremony will be held.

III. Awards for the SWJTU Value Auction Competition

1. The awards include the first, second, third prizes as well as exquisite souvenirs and certificates.

2. This competition has been registered on the “secondary classroom” and can be counted as corresponding credit.

IV. Registration

Please join the QQ group (number: 702014171) for more details about the competition. In response to the requirements for prevention and control of the Students’ Association Union (SAU) and the School Youth League Committee, combined with the suggestions of SAU instructors, only 15 groups will be registered for this competition. The registration is closed. Other students can watch live online and will also be included on the credit tally list.

V. Competition Time and Address

Time: 19:00- 21:30, November 13, 2021

Address: Yifuguan 4323, Jiuli Campus, SWJTU

Jiuli Campus: No. 1 Teaching Building, Southwest Jiaotong University, 111 North 1st Section of second Ring Road, Chengdu

Xipu Campus: No. 4 Teaching Building, Southwest Jiaotong University, West Zone, High-tech Zone, Chengdu

Admissions phone:028-87600559   Student Support Office:028-66368613
Teacher Services Office:028-66367673,028-66368527   General Services Office:028-66366671,028-66366612

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