The Annual Conference of the Academic Committee of Highway Engineering Key Laboratory…

The annual conference of the Academic Committee of Highway Engineering Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province was successfully held in both a local presence and online attendance on November 26, 2021. The participants included Ling Jianming, a member of the Academic Committee of Highway Engineering Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province and Professor of Tongji University, Wang Hainian, Professor of Chang'an University, Qian Guoping, Professor of Changsha University of Science and Technology, Ma Tao, Professor of Southeast University, Luo Qiang, Professor of Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), Wei Yongxing, Senior Engineer of China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (CREEGC), You Hong, Senior Engineer of Sichuan Communication Surveying & Design Institute Co., Ltd., Mao Cheng, Senior Engineer of Sichuan Transportation Investment Design Consulting Research Institute Co., Ltd., Ouyang Pingping, Section Chief of Research Bases of Office of Science Research and Development of SWJTU, Qiu Yanjun, Head of Highway Engineering Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Ai Changfa and Xin Jiang, Professors of SWJTU, and other leading experts in various research topics.


On-site meeting

The first session of the annual conference was chaired by Ai Changfa, the deputy director of Highway Engineering Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province and Professor of SWJTU. Mr. Ai first extended his welcome and gratitude to the experts and leaders present on behalf of Highway Engineering Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province. Afterward, Ouyang Pingping, Section Chief of Research Bases of Office of Science Research and Development of SWJTU, delivered a speech, giving a brief introduction to the laboratory and expressing support for the future development of the laboratory.


Mr. Ai hosts the first session of the annual meeting.


Ms. Ouyang makes a speech on behalf of the Office of Science Research and Development of SWJTU.

The second session of the annual meeting was chaired by Ling Jianming, the director of the Academic Committee of Highway Engineering Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province and Professor of Tongji University. First of all, Professor Qiu Yanjun, Head of Highway Engineering Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, made an annual work report on behalf of the laboratory, mainly introducing the general overview of the laboratory, including project progress, research development, team building, talent training, major research achievements, academic results, and laboratory standard management. Besides, Mr. Qiu also mentioned the challenges faced by the laboratory and its development plans in the future.


Mr. Ling hosts the second session of the annual meeting.

Finally, Mr. Qiu, Head of Highway Engineering Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, expressed his gratitude to the members of the Academic Committee for their guidance and suggestions on the work of the laboratory. Mr. Qiu said that the suggestions put forward by the members were of great significance to the development of the laboratory, and the laboratory would develop steadily step by step in the future. And the laboratory would base itself on and combine its regional characteristics in the southwest to forge ahead so as to serve the locals better. Moreover, the laboratory would get rid of the stale and take in the fresh, such as opening up new research topics and ensuring the equipment upgrading with research topics simultaneously. Last but not least, strengthen exchanges to broaden horizons. In this way, we could learn from excellent laboratories in the same field, and actively engage in scientific cooperation.

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